Saturday, March 17, 2007

Today is the Day/ My Reasons for Quitting

So sometime tonight I will smoke my last cigarette. I chose today because:
1. I go back to work in one week and want to be done with withdrawals before then.
2. Today is my last day alone with my baby and I don't want to be irritable around him.
3. I'd like to get some things out of the way before I quit. Namely filling out my Performance Review for work.

There are several things that sealed the deal for me to quit now.
1. I was stupid to go back to smoking after having my baby (Hello!)
2. I live in California, so I can't smoke anywhere but at home anyway.
3. Smoking didn't used to be a financial issue for me. Now it is. I'll be saving about $80 a month.
4. I'm tired of fighting with the wasps that have taken over my balcony. I can't go outside to smoke during the day, so why even be smoking at all?
5. I'm tired of being addicted. I do so many other things right in my life. I've never had a drug or alcohol problem, why am I smoking? It doesn't make any sense.

Having had two long quits in the past 3 years (9 months each), I have a good reference for how nice I know it will be to not smoke.
1. I actually wake up easier in the morning; I don't go through being groggy.
2. I have less headaches.
3. Getting ready to go places takes less time
4. I won't be thinking about when I can have my next cigarette, all. the. time.
5. Going places is more enjoyable, especially shopping and movies, and dinner out.
6. My clothes don't smell, that's a big thing for me; I'm very self-conscious.

So I'll be thinking about all of these things over the next few weeks, to remind myself of why this is so important for me.
I haven't figured out what exact time my last cigarette will be, but I'll post when I do.

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