Sunday, March 18, 2007

An All Time High

Right now? I want to grab a chain saw and run wild in the streets. I am feeling so crappy, and angry. The nicotine is workin it's wiles on me. Why should I have to give in to social pressure? I just keep telling myself it will pass, and then my fat ass knocks a glass of water off the table. Then the nicotine says "You really shouldn't give me up until you've lost that pregnancy weight. You're just going to get fatter now." Ugh! And now the baby is screaming....
I have been quit for 18 hours, 46 minutes and 6 seconds (0 days). I have saved $1.61 by not smoking 7 cigarettes. I have saved 35 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 3/18/2007 12:48 AM

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