Friday, February 1, 2008

Time for Another Update

Well, it's been almost a year since I last updated. I haven't quit yet. I decided not to stress over it until I was in a place where I felt like I could deal with the quitting without the added stress of school. School has created such enormous stress in my life this past year with the baby and working full-time. Trying to find time for myself and my family while trying to meet deadlines for homework has been almost impossible. People keep asking me how I do it, and to be honest I have no idea. My relationship has suffered, my son gets severe separation anxiety from his father, but with me he gets it only if daddy isn't around. That just kills me.
So to get to the point, I have only two classes left and I will be done with school. I'll finally have my degree and some free time. Once school is finished I will be quitting smoking for good. I just have till May. I'll be thinking about the date to set and preparing over the next couple of months. I will be posting my progress here. I've got lots of plans when school is over; hopefully enough to keep me busy, but not so many that I can't take the time I need for myself and family.

Thank you to those of you who have been stopping by and giving support! It is greatly appreciated and will keep me going in the right direction.

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