Sunday, May 25, 2008

My Reasons For Quitting Smoking

Photo by justj0000lie

My Reason for Quitting:

  • I've been smoking long enough (22 years) that it is starting to affect my health.
  • Tired of getting bronchitis every winter.
  • Don't want to get chronic bronchitis.
  • Want to be healthier.
  • Would like to be healthy and able to keep up with my growing son.
  • Want to be a good example for my kids.
  • Being a smoker in California means ridicule every time you go outside to light up. I don't want to be one of those people anymore, I'm already self-conscious enough.
  • The biggest reason is that I am just tired of being a slave to the addiction; always wondering when and where I can have my next smoke in a world where no one can can smoke comfortably. It is on my mind at all times, when will I have my next cigarette? Will I get to work on time to have a cigarette before I start? Will I have time to smoke before we go to the store? Will there be anywhere to smoke at the event? How long will I be gone, and can I go that many hours without smoking? I've had enough of that, thank you.
That pretty much sums it up for me. I'm done being a smoker. I would like another label, thank you.
I'll add to this list as I think of more reasons.

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