Saturday, June 7, 2008

Day One

In just a few short hours I will have not smoked for 24 hours. Today has been a combination of very hard and not so bad. The tough times are when the family is around and I have to interact, which breaks my concentration on reminding myself why I quit. The rest of the day while I've been by myself hasn't been too bad. I have been stuffing my face with food today, I have to stop that, tomorrow no food substituting for smokes. I can chew gum and drink water.
Right now I feel very light headed and irritable. I know I'm heading in to the toughest part of the detox. Thank goodness my sister will be here tomorrow to keep me busy. Must away get some fresh air and relax.

I have been quit for 20 hours, 7 minutes and 39 seconds (0 days). I have saved $2.01 by not smoking 10 cigarettes. I have saved 50 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 6/6/2008 11:00 PM


The Happy Mrs said...

Congrats on deciding to quit! I was a smoker for 8 years and I just stopped 2 months ago~ I had a little help with it... trust me it gets easier as it goes along.. I wish you luck and feel your pain!

Nancy said...

Happy Mrs,
Thank you! I'm on day 5 now; it's getting better. This isn't my first time quitting so I know what to expect and think of things on a daily basis to get me through the tough times. Good Luck to you as well!